21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
DWELL is a season at Living Hope Church where we intentionally minimize the distractions and normal routines in our lives to dwell in the presence of God.
When we turn down the volume in our day-to-day lives, it has the supernatural effect of turning up the volume of God’s voice.
Dwell Calendar
Dwell Weekend
January 17th, 7pm
January 18th, 7pm
January 17-19
Living Hope Church NW
Kent, WA
Dwell Weekend is a time dedicated to seeking God's presence. We desire to be a people who not only know about God intellectually, but also experience Him personally. Join us for each session as we hear powerful messages from our speakers, and actively pursue God's presence together.
Choose a Fast.
There is no right or wrong way to fast, and there are many different kinds of fasts to choose from.
Water Fast: Abstaining from all forms of food and drink other than water.
Juice Fast: Abstaining from all solid food and only drinking juice and water.
Daniel Fast: Eating only vegetables and abstaining from meats, sweets, etc.
Intermittent Fast: Practiced during sunrise to sunset.
Remove Comfort.
We encourage you to set aside some of the comforts that consume your time and spend extra time seeking God’s face. Here are a few comforts that you can abstain from:
Social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok)
Entertainment (movies, TV, YouTube)
Buying material items (instead, donate and give to the poor)
_____ (fill in the blank)
Pursue God.
The fasting season is a time to feast on God through prayer, Bible reading, and worship gatherings. Here are some ways to pursue God.
Prayer: Set aside time blocks for prayer.
Bible Reading: Follow a daily Bible reading plan.
Gatherings: Commit to additional worship gatherings other than your normal rhythm.
This Bible reading plan, “Shaped By The Word” takes you through the New Testament & Psalms in a year with readings from the New Testament throughout the week and readings from Psalms on the weekend.
We invite you to join us for 24 Hours of Prayer from 7 PM on Friday, January 24th, to 7 PM on Saturday, January 25th. You are welcome to participate at any time during this time of prayer as we conclude the final week of Dwell. Together, let us set aside moments in the evening, early morning, or afternoon to seek God’s presence in prayer. Let’s come together and dwell in the presence of God.
The call for you this Dwell Season is to go all in and give your first month of 2025 to God, and see what He will do! Connect with God daily through prayer and Bible reading, block off Jan 17-19 to be at Dwell Weekend, and closeout the Dwell season with 24-hours of prayer!